Consult Fever Doctors Online

Dr. Srinivas Janam

9 years of Experience


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Dr. S S Mansingh

21 years of Experience


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Dr. Shivakumar M P

38 years of Experience


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Dr. Girish Ghanate

6 years of Experience


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Dr. Prathish Kumar

12 years of Experience


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When the body temperature exceeds the normal body temperature range ( 37°C/ 98.6°F), it is considered as fever. A weak immune system makes a person vulnerable to fever. Fever is a very common health condition, it usually recedes in a couple of days with proper medication and care. There are few other terms like pyrexia and controlled hyperthermia that are used synonymously with fever. An individual is likely to feel cold as the temperature of the body increases. It is common for anyone to suffer from fever but the experience can be difficult. The temperature of the body fluctuates constantly according to food and sleeping habits. Usually, the temperature is very high in the evening i.e. 6-8 pm and low in midnight 3-5am. As the body tries to fight infections, fever can have severe complexities. Doctors often recommend that if the temperature is moderate, medication is not required. This helps the body to combat the bacteria and viruses in the body. As soon as the temperature surpasses 38° C or 100.4° F, it must be examined every 4 hours. The best way to measure fever is through oral measurement i.e. with a thermometer. Placed under the tongue. For children, Rectal temperature is measured as oral temperature measurement is difficult. Another way is to measure is through armpits, but the temperature measured is usually lesser than the actual one, by few degree points


-Infections -Weak immunity -Side effects of medicines -Inflammatory diseases -Injuries and wounds -Sore throat -Flu -Chickenpox -Pneumonia -Rheumatoid arthritis -Heat stroke -Dehydration -Silicosis

Symptoms during different stages of fever

-Sweating -Chills -Shivering -Slothiness -Laziness -Problem in concentrating -Sweating -Seizures -Confusion -Delirium -No taste for food -Sleepiness -Anxiety -Increased Pain -Cramps -High body temperature -Muscle pain -Loss of appetite -Irritability -Weakness -Dehydration -Dry mouth

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It is important to follow a healthy lifestyle in order to strengthen immunity and minimize the chances of fever. Avoid indulging in activities that will harm the body. If the fever persists or if the temperature is high despite taking medications, it is best to consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment plan. The treatment for fever is primarily through medication. Prescription drugs like Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can help to reduce the temperature. They can be bought over-the-counter to treat fever. They help to bring severe fever down but not mild fever, as mild fever helps to fight bacteria. Doctors usually recommend antibiotics for fever due to bacterial infections. Troublesome symptoms like cold can be treated with NSAIDs. Doctors may not prescribe antibiotic medicines for viral infections as it may not be required. It is likely that the patient will be dehydrated and therefore fluid intake is necessary to avoid further complications. Fever due to heat stroke cannot be treated with NSAIDs and the patient must stay indoors during the daytime. However, if the symptoms are not clear, then the doctor must be contacted immediately.

Types of Fever:

There are various types of fever, and they are classified based on the degree of severity & duration. Severity: 38.1–39°C : Low Grade 39.1–40°C : Moderate 40.1-41.1°C : High 106.0°F or 41.1°C: Hyperpyrexia Length of time: Less than 7 days- Acute Up to 14 days- Sub-acute Over 14 days- Chronic More than a few weeks- Fevers of Unknown Origin (FUO). Other types of fever that exist are: Fungal Fever: Fungal fever is caused by fungal infections and can strike any organ in the body. These infections can only be diagnosed by physical tests and examinations. In rare cases, the physician may recommend a biopsy to identify the infection. They can be treated with the help of prescribed antifungal medicines. Bacterial Fever: This can affect any organ system whether it is the nervous system or respiratory system. The symptoms may differ according to the organs. For instance, in the case of the nervous system the symptoms will be sluggish and grumpy behaviour. Whereas, if fever attacks the respiratory system, the person will have difficulty in breathing, headaches, cough etc. This type of fever can be treated with vaccines and antibiotics. Animal Exposure Fever: People who work in a stable or any area close to animals or attend to cattle may contract certain organisms that can cause fever. The person is likely to feel weak & numb due to high temperature. Travellers' Fever: People who travel to different countries can get exposed this type of fever due to different foods, insects, toxins, sanitary habits & water.

Risk Factors

-Bronchitis -Sinusitis -Rheumatoid Arthritis -Allergic Rhinitis