How to store the Melacare cream?
Keep it in the packaging as it came when you purchased it. Make sure the nozzle of the tube is clean. After it is empty, dispose carefully. Make sure no pets, animals or babies consume it.
Can I apply the melacare cream on an open-cut fresh wound?
Applying the cream on a bleeding fresh wound is not recommended. Using the cream on cuts can increase the risk of extreme sensation of tingling, and can cause severe infection on the wound.
Can I use the melacare cream and go out in the sun?
Ideally, the affected area of application should not be exposed to extreme heat or sunlight and it should remain covered as much as you can keep it under clothes. However, if the area cannot be covered, make sure you apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen of the affected exposed area before stepping out in the sun.
Can I use the melacare cream to get a fair skin?
Melacare cream is non-comedogenic, which means it is not any cosmetic cream. It is prescribed by doctors for special skin discoloration of other diseases, to clear dark patches. To use the cream to get fair skin on a regular basis, like a normal whitening drugstore cream, is not recommended
I am pregnant. Can I use it?
If your doctor weighs out the risks involved and administers a proper dosage, stick to that. While vreastfeeding, the medicine should be discontinued, as it might cause toxicity to the baby.
Is melacare cream an antibiotic?
No, melacare cream is an external cream that is applied on affected, discoloured and affected skin caused by melasma, hormonal medication in women or by pregnancy.
Should I discontinue if I see dryness of my skin?
Dryness is one of the side effects of melacare cream. You will most likely face dryness in the affected area post application, however, if the skin becomes too dry and coarse, consult your doctor so that he can regulate or dress your dosage.