Does inhaling Karvol Plus pose any risk of developing addictive tendencies towards the drug?
No, the medicine does not have any addictive elements as a component and does not tend to be an addiction.
Is Karvol Plus a medicine which requires long term usage?
Karvol Plus is meant to be used for quick relief and is not intended for use after getting relief from an ailment like cold or blocked sinuses.
Can I rub Karvol Plus on my chest to get relief from congestion?
Karvol Plus is not meant for use on the skin and should not be rubbed on any part of the body as it might cause skin irritation
Can Karvol Plus be used to unblock the nose, even if I have a fever?
Yes it can be used with a fever too. However it is best to consult a medical expert before using the medicine under a fever.
How much Karvol Plus needs to be used for babies?
Dosage for children should be followed according to a doctor's instruction.
Is Karvol Plus an ayurvedic medicine?
Karvol Plus is not an ayurvedic medicine, it needs a doctor?s prescription to be bought and used.
Does the medicine provide instant relief from the ailment?
Generally the medicine provides quick relief. The effectiveness differs from person to person. It can take upto a day for the effects to be seen.